martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

The historical night... for me with Artificial Vision

Well, this night.. I want to do something for distract my mind, because all of us, at a given moment, we have personal problems. But the idea is to try, no forget that situation, but rather to do something for no think in that moments. For this reason, I want to do a program with Java and the OpenCV library (Artificial Vision) for share you a project that I need to present in less than a month. Its my project for the course and the idea is to share you the project on English language and Spanish.

domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014

Little phrases

-Dig down, dig deep down and ask yourself who do you want to be....

-Listen to me... Impossible is just a big word, thrown around by small man....

Extracted from: Hero video, and Fear video, available on

sábado, 3 de mayo de 2014

Movie: The amazing Spiderman 2 with Andrew Garfield

Since I was a child, I have admired the character of spiderman, its simple powers but really really amazing actions. And of course, I always have had gread admiration for the spiders. When I see the first movie of spiderman, I remember that I see on tv, because my family could not to pay a movie on a teater for me. But, on small screen, I apreciate the special effects on its first movie with Tobey Maguire as the super heroe. Time later, I see on the same screen, the old television, the great Spiderman 2, when I learned the protium like a isotope, introducing me the chemestry on my life. When I saw the last movie with Tom Maguire, I consider that I have saw the best movie of my life, with effects and the true history of a Super Heroe. The black spiderman, sandman, and other villanous, that attracted my total attention of that movie.

Instrumental music

Instrumental music is the best way for distract you brain. When you pay attention in the each song, you understand the complexity and the armony in that all music notes. I dont'n know nothing about music, respect to its theory and practice, and I neither know play a instrument. But I know that listen that music, let you create armony between you and your main thinks, let you to concentrate in anything task. My recomentation for you is listen music with violin, or piano, they let you relax and obtein your capacity of concentration.

Lindsay Stirling is a best option for instrumenal music. Its violing song cool.

Other crazy write, for try write on english... I hope your correction for feedback.
Thanks for pay attention.

viernes, 2 de mayo de 2014

Lost Woman

I have a women on my dreams, on my constan thinks. Every day, I think on her and try to encapsulate her smell, her figure, and imagine that I have between her hands, given me a great hug. Its possible forget it? No, in absolute, because she is my ideal woman, my ideal friend, but the problem is that I never can to stay whit her. My imagination makes possible to invent new scenes, new romantics scenes, and create new experiences of love. But the problem is that in the real life, I can't capture her attention. My dream is can talk with her one more time.

Remember: If I have errors on my write, I'd appreciate yor help for feedback. 
Of course, all of this is a crazy opinions for write in english....

jueves, 1 de mayo de 2014

After today, I write on english

Hi readers.

Thanks for read my writes, and let me to show you differents contents about my opinion. After today, I want to show you my opinions in english, because I want to learn to write diferents contents on english, and I consider correct to write all on this lenguaje. If I have errors on syntaxis or grammar, I hope you help for feedback. My objetive is that all of us, learn english of different way.

Thanks for your attention.

Alejandro D.J. Gomez Florez

Motivación 2

En el capitulo 17 de San Lucas está escrito: "El reino de Dios esta dentro del hombre". No en un hombre, no es un grupo de hombres, sino en todos los hombres. Tu, en ti, las personas que tienen el poder, el poder de crear máquinas, el poder de crear la felicidad. Tu, las pesonas, tienen el poder de hacer esta vida libre y hermosa, de hacer esta vida una increible aventura... y entonces ¿que vas a hacer?...

"Why do we fall?" video available on